手術器具とその手入れ(Surgical Instruments and their Care)
In most cases, MASH clinics have no on-site autoclave. Most surgical instrument care, including ultrasonic cleaning, pack preparation and autoclaving, takes place after hours or between clinic dates. Thus, many small, collaborative MASH clinics maintain enough sterile surgical packs for multiple (2-3) days-worth of surgery or schedule time in between surgery days to provide time for packing and sterilization. This may be especially important if the pack preparation is performed by staff who are also members of the traveling MASH clinic team.
Surgical instruments should be soaked to remove organic debris and cleaned by hand by volunteers at the surgical venue, then rinsed and returned to the transport vehicle to be transported back to the home base with the surgical team. Further instrument cleaning, laundering of drapes and pack wrappers, pack preparation, and sterilization may occur at the MASH clinic’s home base, or alternatively may take place in a staff member’s home. This at-home pack preparation and autoclaving may be advantageous if the staff member lives far from the home base, or if the staff member has household obligations (such as small children) that make after-hours travel to the home base difficult.