【緊急】真夏の野良猫の管理 ④TNRの実施

わが国だけではなく、米国においても猛暑が続いています。Alley Cat Allies(2022)は、猛暑の中における野良猫の管理について注意を促しています。Webサイトの記事“Top Tips to Help Community Cats in Extreme Heat”(https://www.alleycat.org/top-tips-to-help-community-cats-in-extreme-heat/)から見ていきましょう。


Tips for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for cats in the summer



・If you are trapping in the summer months, it is important to be extra careful. A cat left in a trap in the heat is at risk of heatstroke, which can be deadly. If you are experiencing record-breaking high temperatures, use your best judgment. If you would be unsafe spending prolonged time outdoors, do not attempt it. It is also unsafe for cats to be in humane traps for long periods of time under these conditions.



・For the safety of the cats, keep them in their traps in the shade for a limited time and immediately transfer them to an air-conditioned space. Never leave cats in a hot car while trapping other cats.



・Don’t leave traps on surfaces which absorb the sun’s heat—the metal bars of the trap can heat up and burn the cats’ paws. Grass and other surfaces which don’t conduct heat are ideal for trapping in the summer.



