
英国の猫関連団体の連合体であるThe Cat GroupのWebページ “Anaesthesia for neutering kittens”(子猫の避妊去勢のための麻酔)(http://www.thecatgroup.org.uk/anaes.html)には、幼い子猫に麻酔をかける際の懸念事項とその対策について述べられています。



The cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the kitten are immature, resulting in less cardiopulmonary reserve in the face of anaesthetic-induced depression. It is important that normal heart and respiratory rates are maintained during anaesthesia as adequacy of both ventilation and cardiac output are dependent primarily on rate of breathing and heart beat rather than an increase in depth or stroke volume. Anticholinergic drugs should be immediately available to treat bradycardia, if they are not given routinely. Renal function is also immature in young kittens and the kidney does not yet have normal ability to concentrate urine. It is thus essential that kittens are not allowed to become dehydrated as they are unable to compensate.



A number of metabolic processes are immature in the kitten. Of particular relevance to anaesthesia are energy metabolism and the pathways through which drugs are broken down and excreted. Hypoglycaemia may develop during anaesthesia in young kittens and may cause prolonged recovery. Underdeveloped pathways of drug metabolism may slow the elimination of some anaesthetic drugs, also leading to prolonged recovery from anaesthesia. Drugs eliminated by routes not dependent on such pathways are thus preferable; inhalation anaesthetics are removed by exhalation and the effects of some drugs may be reversed by the use of antagonists.
