英国の猫関連団体の連合体であるThe Cat GroupのWebページ “Anaesthesia for neutering kittens”(子猫の避妊去勢のための麻酔)(http://www.thecatgroup.org.uk/anaes.html)には、幼い子猫の麻酔中の注意点について述べられています。
Care during anaesthesia(麻酔中の注意)
Anaesthesia for young kittens has all the same requirements as for adults, in that fundamental care of normal physiological function is essential. The ABC of resuscitation is the first requirement: Airway, Breathing and Circulation. These are monitored in the same way as in adults; airway and breathing by observation of thoracic movement and excursion of the breathing reservoir bag, and circulation by palpation of the pulse.
これらのモニタリングは、継続的な目視や触診が基本で、各種機器による計測は補助的手段とされます。“The Association of Shelter Veterinarians’ 2016 Veterinary Medical Care Guidelines for Spay-Neuter Programs”にはこういう記述があります。
Although the use of various types of equipment can enhance patient monitoring, such equipment use should not serve as a substitute for continual monitoring by trained staff.