スペイクリニックの退院指示 その4

ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(Spay / Neuter Alliance)の手術後の指示事項について見ています。



We will make every reasonable effort to treat at OUR CLINIC, at minimal cost, any post-operative complications resulting directly from the surgery, if the above post-operative instructions are followed in full. Your regular veterinarian must address illnesses or injuries that are not a direct result of surgery. Please call for an appointment as soon as you see any cause for concern at (828) 252-2079. After office hours, please call (855) 434-9285.

上記の術後の指示が完全に守られていれば、手術に直接起因する術後合併症を最小限の費用で当クリニックで治療するためにあらゆる合理的な努力をします。手術の直接の結果ではない病気やけがは、かかりつけの獣医師が対処する必要があります。何か懸念事項がありましたらすぐに (828) 252-2079 までお電話ください。営業時間外は、(855) 434-9285 までお電話ください。



Spay:Ovariohysterectomy – unless otherwise noted, there are no sutures to remove



Neuter:Castration – unless otherwise noted, there are no sutures to remove



Already spayed/neutered:Please contact this clinic if you have any questions or notice signs of heat



In Heat:Please keep away from intact males for at least two weeks

発情中:未去勢のオスには少なくとも 2 週間は近づけないでください


Pregnant:Unless otherwise noted, there are no sutures to remove



Cryptorchid:Undescended testicle(s) – your pet has two incisions

停留精巣 – あなたのペットには2つの切開があります


Staples:_____ need to be removed in 10-14 days here or at your regular veterinarian



Expect bruising near incision:Should resolve on its own after a couple of weeks
