野良猫の退院指示について その3

ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(Spay / Neuter Alliance)の、野良猫の退院指示について見ています。



5. Check in on the cat periodically. If it is bleeding, vomiting, having difficulty breathing, or not waking up, please call (855) 434-9285 immediately. Our helpline is open 24 hours. Please note that we may not cover the cost associated with the visit.

定期的に猫の様子を確認します。出血、嘔吐、呼吸困難、目を覚まさないなどの症状がある場合は、すぐに (855) 434-9285 に電話してください。電話相談は24時間受け付けています。往診に伴う費用を別途請求する場合がありますので、ご了承ください。



6. The cat does not need to return to Spay/Neuter Alliance for suture removal, because dissolvable sutures were used.

縫合には吸収糸を使用したため、猫は抜糸のために Spay/Neuter Alliance に戻る必要はありません。



7. Make sure to release the cats at the same site they were trapped, during a time when there is little traffic. Place the trap with one end uncovered and facing toward the direction they should travel, and let them orient for a few minutes. Unlock the back trap door and remove the door. Some cats will come out quickly, and others will take a bit longer. Once the cat is out of the trap, put the door back on.




8. Provide fresh food, water, and shelter (especially important in the winter months). The cats may disappear for a few hours or days, but they will return after they have calmed down.




9. If the trap was borrowed from Spay/Neuter Alliance, return the trap to a staff member. They will disinfect the trap and return your deposit.

捕獲器をSpay/Neuter Allianceから借りた場合は、スタッフに捕獲器を返却してください。捕獲器を消毒し、保証金をお返しします。