「譲渡後の避妊去勢手術契約」のメリット その1

「譲渡後の避妊去勢手術契約」により動物の譲渡を実施している米国デーン郡人道協会(DCHS)のDonnett主任獣医師と、Matt動物医療サービス運用アシスタントへのASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)のインタビュー記事“They Did It: Decreased Length of Stay with Post-Adoption Spay/Neuter Contracts”(https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/they-did-it-decreased-length-stay-post-adoption-spayneuter-contracts)について見ています。


ASPCApro: What value have you seen these contracts bring since you’ve started implementing them?



Donnett & Matt: There are so many benefits shelter-wide. Having animals leave the shelter decreases the burden on our care staff to clean kennels and provide care. It gives mildly ill animals time to recover in a low-stress environment and reduces the number of medications we give in the shelter. It means we have more space to take in animals who need our care.






We found that many of the kittens were taken to the vet by their adopters and came back to us in excellent health and up to date on all their vaccines. We would have supplied these services at the time of spay/neuter, so we saved money by adopting them out on contract. 



