アニマルシェルターにおける“isolation”(=隔離)と“quarantine”(=検疫)の違いについて、ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)のWEBページ“Isolation vs. Quarantine in Animal Shelters: Why It's Important to Know the Difference”(アニマルシェルターにおける隔離と検疫:違いを知ることが重要な理由)(https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/isolation-vs-quarantine-animal-shelters-why-its-important-know-difference)から見ています。
These two processes are critical in the face of a disease outbreak but can also be implemented to control disease before it spreads widely. Consulting a veterinarian experienced in shelter medicine can help determine when each process should be applied. Ideally, when they are used, housing spaces for quarantine and isolation should be separated from each other, as well as from the rest of the shelter population. The quarantine and isolation areas should also each have designated caregivers to prevent the spread of disease.
これら 2 つの手順は、病気の発生に直面した場合に重要ですが、病気の蔓延を制御するためにも実行できます。シェルターメディスンの経験豊富な獣医師に相談することで、それぞれの手順をいつ適用する必要があるかを判断できます。理想的には、それらが使用される場合、検疫と隔離のための居室は、シェルター内の他の個体群からだけでなく、それぞれが分離されるべきです。検疫室と隔離室に配置される世話人は、病気の蔓延を防ぐために、限定する必要があります。
It is important to note that healthy-appearing incoming animals do not need to be routinely quarantined if your shelter has good preventive protocols in place. This is true even for animals who have been relocated as long as the source shelter also has good preventive protocols in place. Routine quarantine for all animals can unnecessarily extend their length of stay, which has detrimental effects on physical and emotional welfare.