


8. Body condition score and weight:(ボディコンディションスコアと体重)

Baseline weight is important for accurate drug dosing and to monitor animals for weight loss or gain throughout the shelter stay. Have a walk-on scale for dogs and use a baby-weighing scale for cats and other small critters.  For hairy animals, looks can be deceptive, so hands-on palpation is important. Full color versions of the body condition score chart for dogs and cats can be obtained from Purina or through your vet. An alternative scoring system, especially designed for cruelty investigations, is available from Tufts, or from HSUS. The Tufts score only encompasses from emaciated to normal, but does not include criteria for obesity. Because obesity is a serious problem in many shelter animals, the Purina system is preferable for routine use.




ボディコンディションスコア(BCS)とは、動物の栄養状態を外見から評価する尺度のことです。犬や猫で一般的に用いられるBCSはPurina Body Condition Systemで、ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)はこれの修正版を用いています。この尺度は<(1)削痩>から<(9)肥満>までの9段階で構成されています。また、ネグレクトのリスク評価に用いられる尺度のTufts Animal Care and Condition(TACC)の中で、身体状態の尺度として用いられているTACC scales for assessing body conditionは<1 理想>から<5 削痩>までの5段階で、肥満は含まれません。