9. Heart and pulse:(心臓と脈拍)
Invest in a reasonably good stethoscope ($50-$70). Feel for the heartbeat on the left side of the chest, and place the stethoscope over the area where the heartbeat feels strongest. Move the stethoscope forward, backward, and down 1-2 cm to hear all areas of the heart, then move to the right side of the chest and repeat. Listen for murmurs, abnormal rate and rhythm. Feel the pulse at the inside of the thigh.
適度に優れた聴診器 ($50-$70) に投資します。胸の左側で鼓動を感じ、鼓動が最も強く感じる部分に聴診器を当てます。聴診器を前後左右に 1 ~ 2 cm 動かして、心臓のすべての領域を聞いてから、胸の右側に移動して繰り返します。雑音、異常な速度とリズムに耳を傾けます。太ももの内側で脈をとります。
10. Lungs:(肺)
To listen to the lungs, place the stethoscope low, high, forward and back on each side of the chest over the lungs. Upper respiratory sounds can easily be confused with lung sounds, so be cautious in interpreting results in animals with stuffy noses. Time and practice will give you a good sense of what normal heart and lungs sound like.