15. Lymph nodes:(リンパ節)
Feel for enlarged or painful lymph nodes in the submandibular area (above and slightly forward of the salivary glands), in front of the shoulder blades (axillary), and behind the knee (popliteal).
下顎 (唾液腺の上と少し前方)、肩甲骨の前 (腋窩)、および膝の後ろ (膝窩) の肥大または痛みを伴うリンパ節を触ります。
16. Trachea and throat:(気管と咽頭)
In dogs, a cough elicited by mild pressure on the trachea may indicate kennel cough or non-infectious tracheal problem (more common in small dogs). In cats, feel for an enlarged thyroid gland on either side of the trachea.
犬の場合、気管を軽く圧迫することで引き起こされる咳は、ケンネルコフまたは非感染性の気管の問題 (小型犬でより一般的) を示している可能性があります。猫では、気管の両側で甲状腺の肥大を触診します。
17. Abdomen:(腹部)
Gently feel for large masses, pain, fluid, or advanced pregnancy. Some animals resent abdominal palpation even if it is not painful to them. Interpret results in context of rest of physical exam.