
犬の行動評価により、譲渡適性は「譲渡可能」「馴化が必要」「譲渡不可」に分かれます。そのあたりについて、Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff, Second Edition(2012)の記述から見ていきます。ここでは虐待からレスキューされた犬について記述されていますが、野犬等も同じような考え方でよいと思います。



The results of a behavior evaluation should be used in conjunction with medical findings to determine the best possible outcome for victims of animal cruelty. Many will be suitable as pets and can be funneled into rescue groups and shelters for placement. 




Some may need a period of socialization or behavior modification provided by shelters, rescue groups, or experienced fosterers before being considered for placement. 




Animals who are inappropriate as companions, either because of severe aggression or due to a compromised quality of life, should either be humanely euthanized or placed in long-term sanctuary housing. 



If a sanctuary is to be considered, serious thought should be given to whether the animal would experience an acceptable quality of life. Often these refuges are densely populated with limited opportunities for substantive contact with caretakers. Animals who are highly social and can live in conspecific groups may be best suited for sanctuary life.


