非常に臆病な犬の行動修正 その3

行動評価の結果「譲渡不適」と判定された犬の馴化について、ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)の論文要旨“Behavioral Rehabilitation of Extremely Fearful Dogs”(非常に憶病な犬の行動修正)(https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/behavioral-rehabilitation-extremely-fearful-dogs)から見ています。


Study Design(研究の方法)※続き

After arrival, all dogs were given 3 full days with minimal exposure to people or other stimuli to acclimate to their new housing environment. On day 4, and approximately every 21 days after that, staff performed standardized behavior evaluations using a graded system.  

到着後、すべての犬は丸 3 日間、人との接触やその他の刺激を最小限に抑えて、新しい飼育環境に順応させました。4 日目とその後約 21 日ごとに、スタッフは段階的システムを使用して標準化された行動評価を実施しました。




On day 5, dogs in the immediate treatment onset group began treatment protocols, which fell into 3 main behavior modification categories: socialization with people, leash application and walking, and handling.  





Exposure to novelty (e.g., unfamiliar people, new places) was incorporated into the final stages of all treatment categories. Dogs also received training to prepare them for crate confinement and riding in a vehicle while in a crate or wearing a seatbelt.



Dogs in the delayed treatment onset group began their rehabilitation after their second behavior evaluation. 


