スペイクリニックの酸素ボンベ その2

ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)による、スペイクリニックを建設する際のいわゆる「建設ガイド」 “S/N Building & Equipment Resource Guide”(以下「ガイド」)から、具体的な内装や機材について見ています。



You will purchase the oxygen lines and regulators from your supplier. It is often easier to also have the supplier install the lines to your tanks. You can set up the tanks in one of two ways:



‣ Place them all in prep or two in prep; two in surgery. Both H & E tanks should be held in a rack so there is no chance of them tipping over. Flexible hosing is then run to the anesthesia machines. You should check with your local building codes and veterinary practice act for allowable location of tanks and specific guidelines on type of hoses.



‣ House all your tanks in a central location and have the hoses/lines run to the anesthesia machines. If you choose to have central lines, the person who installs them must be licensed to do so (usually a plumber). Nice to have oxygen closet with exterior door so oxygen supplier can drop off tanks at anytime.



