どんな活動においてもそうですが、いちばん大切なことは“Do the best you can”(自分にできることを精一杯やる)ことだと私は考えています。International Cat Careのホームページの、TNRに関する記事(https://icatcare.org/unowned-cats/feral-street-cats/tnr-what-to-consider/)の一節が私のお気に入りなので、ご紹介します。
Do the best you can(自分にできることを精一杯やる)
You may be reading some of the content on this page and thinking ‘I can’t do that’ or ‘I wish it was that simple!’ We know that life is complicated and when you are dealing with cats (and people) nothing is black and white. Following Cat Friendly principles are all about doing the very best you can under difficult circumstances. So, if you read something and think ‘impossible!’ then maybe consider what you could do instead that would have a positive impact. We know we cannot achieve perfection as it isn’t a perfect world.
Be pragmatic and be satisfied with ‘good enough’ when the ideal seems impossible.
People who trap and those who care for community cats work very hard and can be susceptible to ‘burnout’ and compassion fatigue, …It is helpful to those doing the work to have a network of people who can support each other and cover for sickness and holidays.