2022年に改訂された、ASV(シェルター獣医師会)の“Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters Second Edition”※(アニマルシェルターにおけるケアの基準に関するガイドライン第2版、以下「ガイドライン」)から、アニマルシェルターの施設について見ています。
4.2.1 Individual primary enclosure size(外囲いのそれぞれのサイズ)
Animals must be able to make normal postural adjustments within their primary enclosure, including standing and walking several steps, sitting normally, laying down at full body length, and holding the tail completely erect.
The primary enclosure must allow animals to sit, sleep, and eat away from areas of their enclosures where they defecate and urinate.
Housing with two or more appropriately sized compartments provides this separation and gives animals more choice and control over their environment and interactions. It also facilitates spot cleaning, reduces fomite transmission, and increases personnel safety (see Sanitation). Because of all these benefits, multi-compartment enclosures should be provided for the majority of animals housed in the shelter.
Enclosures that include outdoor space must protect animals from adverse weather; provide choice for thermoregulation; protect from predators; and prevent escape, theft, or harassment.
アニマルシェルターにおいて個々の動物を収容するいわゆる外囲いは、動物に合わせた十分な広さがなければなりません。その目安は「動物が普通に立って座って横になれること」「餌場とトイレの間に十分な距離を保つことができること」です。「ガイドライン」はそれを満たすための収容スペースとして、multi-compartment enclosure(つまり、複数居室からなる囲い)を用いることを推奨しています。
※ Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health 2022 -http://dx.doi.org/10.56771/ASVguidelines.2022