アニマルシェルターの施設(10) 集合飼育する動物の選択

2022年に改訂された、ASV(シェルター獣医師会)の“Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters Second Edition”※(アニマルシェルターにおけるケアの基準に関するガイドライン第2版、以下「ガイドライン」)から、アニマルシェルターの施設について見ています。


4.3.2 Selecting animals for cohousing(集合飼育する動物の選択)

Random cohousing of animals in shelters is an unacceptable practice.



Unrelated or unfamiliar animals must not be cohoused until health and behavior are assessed.



Regardless of the size of the enclosure, no more than six adult cats should be cohoused in a primary enclosure. 



When cohousing is indicated, pairs are preferred for dogs to maximize safety and biosecurity, and no more than two to four adult dogs should be cohoused in a primary enclosure. 



Because of their susceptibility to infectious disease, puppies and kittens under 20 weeks of age must not be cohoused with unfamiliar animals except when the benefits outweigh the risks for all animals involved. 

感染症にかかりやすいため、生後 20 週未満の子犬と子猫は、関係するすべての動物にとっての利点がリスクを上回る場合を除き、なじみのない動物と同居させてはならない。(p17)


Dogs should be introduced outside of their primary enclosures in pairs or groups to determine compatibility prior to cohousing.






※ Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health 2022 -http://dx.doi.org/10.56771/ASVguidelines.2022