2022年に改訂された、ASV(シェルター獣医師会)の“Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters Second Edition”※(アニマルシェルターにおけるケアの基準に関するガイドライン第2版、以下「ガイドライン」)から、アニマルシェルターの施設について見ています。
4.3.2 Selecting animals for cohousing(集合飼育する動物の選択) ※続き
In addition, turnover within groups must be minimized to reduce stress and social conflicts as well as the risk of infectious disease exposure and transmission.
4.3.3 Monitoring cohoused animals(集合飼育動物の監視)
Individual animals and group dynamics must be monitored to recognize signs of stress and social conflicts in cohousing enclosures.
Individual enriched housing must be provided for animals who are fearful or behave aggressively toward other animals, are stressed by the presence of other animals, require individual monitoring, or are ill and require treatment that cannot be provided in cohousing.
Cohousing animals who fight with one another is unacceptable.
※ Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health 2022 -http://dx.doi.org/10.56771/ASVguidelines.2022