アニマルシェルターの外科手術(5)  その他の外科手術

2022年に改訂された、ASV(シェルター獣医師会)の“Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters Second Edition”※(アニマルシェルターにおけるケアの基準に関するガイドライン第2版、以下「ガイドライン」)から、アニマルシェルターにおける外科手術について見ています。


7.3 Other surgeries(その他の手術)

To promote quality care for surgical patients, all surgical practices and protocols must be developed in consultation with a veterinarian familiar with the sheltering organization, its population, and facilities.



Non-sterilization surgeries performed in the shelter setting, including dentistry, must adhere to the ASV Spay-Neuter Guidelines regarding surgical suite, anesthesia, analgesia, and principles of sterility related to instrumentation and surgical practice. 

シェルター環境で行われる、歯科などの避妊去勢以外の手術は、手術室、麻酔、鎮痛、および器具や手術に関連する滅菌の原則に関して「ASV 避妊去勢手術ガイドライン」を遵守しなければならない。(p39)


Ideally, shelters without the capacity to perform these surgeries partner with outside organizations, specialists, or transport partners to obtain necessary care.



In particular, following orthopedic procedures, patients must receive appropriate rehabilitation and pain management in order to minimize discomfort and ensure success of the procedure. 



Ideally, orthopedic patients requiring extended care are not housed long term at the shelter.







※ Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health 2022 -http://dx.doi.org/10.56771/ASVguidelines.2022