動物の輸送および移動(11)  モニタリングとケア その2

2022年に改訂された、ASV(シェルター獣医師会)の“Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters Second Edition”※(アニマルシェルターにおけるケアの基準に関するガイドライン第2版、以下「ガイドライン」)から、動物の輸送(transport)および移動(relocation)について見ています。


11.4.4 Monitoring and care(モニタリングとケア) ※続き



During transport, driving time to an intermediate or final destination should not exceed 12 hours per day, and loading and unloading of animals should not exceed 1 hour each (see Figure 11.1). 

輸送中、中間地点または最終目的地までの運転時間は 1 日あたり 12 時間を超えるべきではなく、動物の積み込みと積み下ろしはそれぞれ 1 時間を超えるべきではない (図 11.1 を参照)。


Transport that exceeds 12 hours of travel must be broken up with an overnight rest stop at an intermediary location. 

移動時間が 12 時間を超える場合は、途中で1泊しなければならない。(p57)


Total transport time from the source to a final destination should include no more than 28 hours confined to a transport vehicle, including loading and unloading time and excluding an overnight rest stop.






Dogs must be walked or exercised on trips that require an overnight stay. 



Animals should never be left unattended in a transport vehicle unless sufficient monitoring capabilities are in place, and attendants are able to immediately respond to animal care needs. 



Cats must have access to a litter box if being housed overnight. 






11.4.5 Aggregation(集約)

If transporting animals from different sources on separate vehicles is not possible, animals from each source are ideally housed in separate compartments. 



Whenever animals from different sources are held in the same vehicle or facility, protocols that minimize exposure and cross-contamination between populations must be in place.






※ Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health 2022 -http://dx.doi.org/10.56771/ASVguidelines.2022