“The Association of Shelter Veterinarians’ 2016 Veterinary Medical Care Guidelines for Spay-Neuter Programs”※(ASVによる避妊去勢プログラムにおける獣医療ガイドライン2016;以下「S/Nガイドライン」)から、周術期の体温調節について見ています。
Perioperative thermoregulation 周術期の体温調節 ※続き
Contact with cold surfaces, especially after premedications have been administered, will reduce patient body temperature, which subsequently is not easily increased during surgery. For this reason, contact with cold surfaces should be minimized to the extent possible, for example, by placing a small blanket, towel, fleece pad, or papers underneath each patient immediately following anesthetic induction and keeping these materials under patients as they are moved through various areas of the clinic (eg, preparation, surgery, and recovery areas).
During patient preparation for surgery, excessive removal or moistening of the hair around the surgical site should be avoided, and warmed preparation solution should be used to minimize heat loss and aid in preserving the patient’s body temperature.
Surgery should begin as soon as possible after preparation is completed to minimize additional heat loss.
In contrast, unprotected contact with or careless use of blow dryers, heat lamps, drying cages, electric heating pads, and hot water or heated materials must be avoided to prevent thermal injury.
※JAVMA • Vol 249 • No. 2 • July 15, 2016 -https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/249/2/javma.249.2.165.xml