英国の猫保護団体であるInternational Cat Care(ICC)は、人間との生活にストレスを感じているため家庭動物としての譲渡に向かない“inbetweener”(中間者)と呼ばれる猫を特別なプログラムで譲渡することを提唱しています。最後に、猫を「中間者」と判定する際の注意点について、ICCのリーフレット“Identifying solutions for ‘inbetweener’ cats”※から見ていきましょう。
The identification of an inbetweener is not an exact science. The benefit of creating the term inbetweener is to acknowledge that not all cats are best suited for the pet lifestyle and that alternatives can and should be considered to meet the specific needs of the individual. For this to work, the general public need to be made aware of inbetweeners – indeed, once explained, many people recognise they have one or have had one in the past!
米国のBarn Cat Programもそうですが、「納屋猫」として譲渡したとたんに人懐こくなる猫が一定数存在します。誤って「中間者」と判断された猫の対応も「納屋猫」と同様です。
Most people are very accepting of a cat’s unexpected friendliness but, occasionally, a cat may be rejected if it has been incorrectly assessed as an inbetweener and turns out to be a loving pet that wants to live indoors. If the caregiver is unwilling to continue with the cat under these circumstances, then the cat can be returned to the homing organisation and homed as a conventional pet, based on this new piece of information about its behaviour, or be enrolled in a home-to-home adoption scheme to avoid the need to return to the homing centre.
※ https://icatcare.org/app/uploads/2020/02/final-inbetweeners-decision-doc.pdf