
野良猫のコロニー管理(9)  コロニー管理について

TNR(Trap-Neuter-Return)は「飼い主のいない猫」の人道的処遇として実施されますが、リターン後の猫を管理しなければ様々な問題が生じます。リターン後の猫のコロニー管理の重要性について、AVMA(米国獣医師会)の“Free-roaming abandoned and feral cats”※(以下「指針」とする)から見ています。





The AVMA recognizes that managed colonies are controversial. However, properly managed programs can improve quality of life for these cats through better nutrition, vaccination to prevent disease, spaying and neutering to reduce unwanted litters, euthanasia of sick and debilitated cats, and adoption of healthy kittens. The goal of colony management should be continual reduction and eventual elimination of the colony through attrition. Appropriately managed colonies also have the potential to significantly decrease risk to public health, wildlife, and ecosystems.








For colonies not achieving attrition and posing active threats to the area in which they are residing, the AVMA does not oppose the consideration of euthanasia when conducted by qualified personnel, using appropriate humane methods as described in the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals.



※ https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/avma-policies/free-roaming-abandoned-and-feral-cats#:~:text=Free%2Droaming%20abandoned%20and%20feral%20cats%20that%20are%20not%20in,with%20local%20and%20state%20ordinances.