アニマルシェルターに収容すべき猫を自宅で預かる、いわゆる「預かりボランティア」(Foster)について、ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)の“Feline Foster Care Guide”(https://www.aspcapro.org/sites/default/files/aspcapro-feline-foster-care-guide.pdf)を参考に見ています。
Medical Information & Concerns(医療情報と懸念)<続き>
Internal Parasites(内部寄生虫)
Foster animals are routinely treated for some internal parasites, but there are many potential parasites that may be present, and sometimes repeated treatments are required. Common parasites include but are not limited to Coccidia, Giardia, roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms.
If parasites are observed or suspected, a fresh fecal sample may be requested for evaluation at a veterinary clinic. Signs of parasites may include a large, hard belly, diarrhea, worms in vomit or the stool, tapeworm segments (similar in appearance to grains of rice) around the anus, a scruffy looking coat, and/or an inability to gain weight. Some parasites are contagious to other animals through direct or indirect contact with infected feces. Most of these parasites require medication.